For over 25 years, Back in Motion has been dedicated to helping people improve their health, enhance their opportunities, and live better lives.
Surrey, BC
V3S 5J9
We believe everybody can work if they are given the right opportunity. We know your business is looking for the person who can do the job best, and sometimes that person may happen to have a disability.
Unit 23 8635 Young Road
V2P 4P3
Communitas Supportive Care Society is a faith-based, registered charity providing care in communities across British Columbia to those living with disabilities. As a part of our mission, we provide services ranging from 24-hour residential care to skills-based day programs to respite care for families. At Communitas, we support and empower people of all abilities, from all walks of life, regardless of faith, social standing, race or ethnicity.
V2S 6A4
Marie Lembesis, M.Ed., RCC, RRP, CCRC CVRP(F) has a practice that comprises vocational diagnostics, career counselling and personal counselling for individuals aged 16 and up. Her diagnostic work includes psycho-educational assessment (age 16 and over), psycho-vocational assessment, mental health screening, career interest and personality testing.
404 – 1688 152nd Street
Surrey BC
V4A 4N2
We believe everybody can work if they are given the right opportunity. Youth (15-24 years of age) are passionate, vital, and eager to make a difference and be part of their communities. Young people bring many benefits to the workplace, including energy, adaptability, technological skills and a new perspective. Well rounded staffing teams, including employees with developmental disabilities, reflect the values and ideals of the Chilliwack community, while helping to improve business culture and benefiting the bottom line of local employers.
V2R 1H6
Gentle Teaching is the philosophy the HOME Society embraces, this approach is not selective in its application and is at the core of all that we do. At the Home Society we do not view those we support as broken and in need of repair, but rather as complete individuals with gifts and warmth and laughter to share. We create a culture of gentleness and unconditional love, a culture of relationships and reciprocal acceptance. We do not use the tools of behavior modification…restraint, time-out and consequences, but rather the genuine tools of gentleness….our words…our presence…our eyes…..our touch.
Abbotsford, BC
V2S 2A5
ILS builds and strengthens community through advocacy, information and support. We provide services that improve quality of life for children with developmental or special needs and adults with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorder.
Langley, BC
V3A 4G2
We help people with developmental disabilities reach their full potential by living and belonging in community.
We do this by facilitating community connections, family supports, employment opportunities, and supportive housing options with a commitment to life-long learning, choice and self-determination.
Delta, BC
V4K 3N2
March of Dimes Canada is a leading national charity committed to championing equity, empowering ability, and creating real change. We serve, connect, and empower people living with disabilities to participate fully in life — on their own terms. Our work is grounded in the voices of the people we serve, built on a foundation of service, and backed by a 70-year history of success. Now, inspired and guided by our community, we’re expanding our horizons even further. Together with our clients, partners, supporters, and allies, we are working to create communities in which people living with disabilities can not only live but thrive in all they aspire to do. In British Columbia, March of Dimes Canada currently offers After Stroke Programs, including Online Virtual Programs, Accessible Technology, Acquired Brain Injury Services, and Employment Services.
Unit 200
Victoria BC
V8Z 6L8
Milieu Employment Services (MES) support adults with developmental disabilities find real work for real pay. MES also works with businesses in the community to build their capacity to hire and work with people with diverse abilities.
Delta, BC
V4C 3C8